ride journal :: 02/28/03
It was a beautiful Friday evening in downtown Phoenix. We had 11 riders and a lot of excitement. We left Park Central with a cheer from Kate and moved south down Central. Taking up the right lane, we had support from drivers by the time we made it to McDowell. As we slowed at a red light, a woman in the passenger seat of a car rolled down her window and yelled for our cause, "You should take up the whole street!" This had us going as we whooped and hollered down Central quickly claiming another lane for ourselves.
Alas, after we circled around onto first we got one, two, and then three cop cars on us. The followed us with ease. A few blocks later they began to clear, leaving us with "If you don't stay in one lane we will ticket you. This is your only warning." This wasn't so bad since last month they forced riders to move single file. With no serious cop problems and no especially rude drivers, we made our way back to Park Central. Excited about the ride we spoke of future plans and of how well the ride went.
One more ride under our belts,
Phoenix Critical Mass